December 17, 2019


Between biz life, parental duties, extra-curricular activities, appointments, and ever-growing to-do lists, many of us feel constantly rushed and overwhelmed. It’s no wonder why we’re all trying to get on the mindfulness bandwagon! Yes, smartphones tend to make our busy lives even busier, but they can also be used as a simplifying tool. I believe it truly comes down to how we use them. We control the phone, not the other way around!

So, in the spirit of productivity, I’ve collected my top 6 apps that have helped me to build better habits, track my time, file my important documents away, communicate with my PA, schedule my social media and more!

If you’re looking to become more productive and organised in your business, and life for that matter, why don’t you jump on the App or Google Play Store, and give the following apps a go

I want to put a disclaimer out there that although these apps will keep you organised and more productive, they won’t solely take care of all the important tasks your business needs to get done. With that said, Amazing Marvin has legitimately changed my life and increased my productivity tenfold.

Whilst there are literally hundreds of apps out there that promise to help you get organised and be more productive (like those above), Marvin is my main man. In addition to my fondest of his very cute name, I feel like he provides everything I need, right there at my fingertips. This app is organised, clear, seamless, and includes a whole bunch of incredible features (check it the full list here).

I cannot stand how cluttered so many other personal task organisers look. It makes me stressed out. And that’s why Marvin is the perfect companion to have in the office. So, if you’re looking for something clean and intuitive, you will feel right at home with Marvin. The best part is that the developers offer a 30-day trial, so you can try before you buy!

If marketing or social media management is taking up too much of your time, your girl at Paragon Collective (that’s me!) can meet these needs. Our team has recently expanded and we love immersing ourselves in the local business community and helping where we can.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
So, if you have any social media questions or are looking for social media/marketing support, let us be your first point of contact.